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Personal information and privacy

Placements Saint-Jérôme Inc. and its subsidiary Netlift Solution de Mobilité Inc. (together "Taxelco" or "we") create and offer innovative and eco-friendly transportation solutions under the banners "Netlift", "Téo Taxi", "Taxi Diamond", "Taxi Hochelaga", "Taxi Central Beloeil", and "Taxi Prestige". Taxelco is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information. We place particular importance on the protection of the personal information you entrust to us and you will find that our standards deserve the trust you place in us in this regard.

In this policy concerning the processing of personal information (our "policy"), we explain how we collect, use, disclose, and protect the personal information we collect. This policy also contains important information about your rights regarding your personal information, and how you can exercise them. This policy has been designed to comply with applicable privacy laws and regulations.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding how we handle your personal information, we invite you to contact us by referring to the section titled "How can you exercise your rights?" found below.



Scope of the policy

This policy applies to all personal information collected, used, or disclosed by Taxelco or others in connection with our services, when using our mobile applications, our web platforms, or when browsing our websites.

However, this policy does not apply to services offered by third parties, even if they are accessible through our websites, including social networks or job search sites. We suggest you review the personal information practices of these third parties to determine if you wish to use them.

 This policy does not apply to the processing of our employees' personal information. A separate policy exists for this purpose.



Definition of personal information

Personal information is information that relates to an individual and identifies or can be used to identify them.

Personal information includes, but is not limited to: your name, phone number, address, email address, IP address (Internet Protocol), social insurance number, bank data, credit card number, electronic identifiers, or one or more elements specific to your physical, psychological, economic, cultural, or social identity. More information on this topic can be found on the CAI website.

Personal information also includes information collected through cookies, log files, and other tracking technologies such as web beacons or mobile device advertising identifiers. Cookies and log files allow our websites to collect and store certain information about you, such as your preferences. They are also used for targeted marketing according to your interests. Please see the section "How do we use cookies?" below for more information on our use of cookies.



How do we use your personal information

We collect personal information to manage our websites, offer our programs and services, including the use of our mobile applications and platforms, communicate information to you, and conduct surveys. We obtain your personal information directly from you with your consent. You can withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal information at any time, particularly by contacting our Data Protection Officer by email at

We use marketing cookies that track your activities on our websites to present personalized digital advertisements according to your preferences or to conduct targeting activities. Please refer to the section titled "How do we use cookies?" below for more information on cookies and how we use them.

The table below specifies the purposes for which personal information is collected and lists them according to these purposes.


To manage our website and ensure its security during your browsing
  • IP address
  • Cookies
  • Log files
To enable you to order a taxi by phone
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Phone number
  • Address(es) (origin and/or  destination)
  • Other personal information shared by the user
To enable you to order a taxi via the "Téo" mobile application
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Geolocation data
  • Address(es) (origin and/or  destination)
  • Credit card number
To enable you to order a taxi via the "Netlift" mobile application
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Geolocation data
  • Address(es) (origin and/or  destination)
  • Credit card number
To enable you to use one of our online services, such as the Netlift corporate mobility web platform, the online taxi ordering portal, or the corporate taxi ordering platform
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Geolocation data
  • Address(es) (origin and/or  destination)
  • Credit card number
  • Cookies
  • Log files
To enable you to use one of our driver portals
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Authorized driver’s license number
  • Driver’s license
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Address
  • Social insurance number
  • Banking information
  • Registration certificate
  • Certification of a vehicle authorized to provide paid passenger transport
  • Cookies
  • Log files
To enable you to register online for the Taxelco driver waiting list
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Amount of your liability insurance
  • License plate number
  • Registration certificate
  • Certification of a vehicle authorized to provide paid passenger transport
  • Cookies
  • Log files
To enable you to apply online from our website, which is linked to a third-party recruitment site
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Information you shared regarding your request 
To allow us to contact you regarding a request or any comments about Netlift or Taxelco 
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Information you shared regarding your information request
  • Cookies
  • Log files
To allow us to contact you by email regarding a request or any comments about Netlift or Taxelco through our emails,, or
  • Email
  • Information you shared regarding your information request
To obtain statistics and performance analyses regarding our website, notably through analytical cookies like Google Analytics, to improve and manage it 
  • IP address
  • Operating system
  • Pages visited and requests
  • Connection time and date
  • Cookies
  • Log files
To obtain statistics and performance analyses regarding our email communications
  • IP address
  • Indication of whether the email was opened or not
  • Clicked links
  • Number of times the email was opened
  • Your geographic area (country)
  • Operating system used
  • Date and time of actions related to the email
To offer you targeted advertising based on your interests, through marketing cookies, provided you have consented to the collection of your personal information through the interactivity between you and our website. 
We do not have access to data that would allow us to specifically identify you through targeted advertising. Cookies and advertising services are managed by third-party platforms, such as Facebook.
  • Browsing preferences
  • Websites visited
  • Cookies
  • Log files




How do we use cookies?

We use cookies for different purposes, as indicated in the table below. We use cookies that we install ourselves, as well as third-party cookies. If you have consented, these third parties collect data on each website with such a cookie installed to provide us with contextual analytical data or to allow us to target you with relevant advertisements.

Cookie categories Use
Essential Essential cookies are used to provide you with our online services and make our programs available, ensuring their security. They are crucial for accessing and using our website, for example.
Functional Functional cookies are used for functionalities or services available through a website. For example, they remember the display language chosen by the user.
Analytical Analytical cookies are used to better understand the performance of our website, including which content is popular among visitors or to measure the impact of our awareness campaigns. For example, we use Google Analytics cookies to gather information such as the number of visitors, visitor origins, pages visited, and time spent on our website. We only view data provided by Google Analytics in aggregate form.
Marketing Marketing cookies are installed by third parties to gather information about your browsing preferences and interests as you navigate the web. They enable targeting you with relevant advertisements. For instance, we utilize third-party tracking technologies such as Facebook and YouTube for this purpose.

You can manage your cookie preferences by referring to the section: "How can you manage your cookie preferences?" below.




How can you manage your cookie preferences?

You can manage your cookie preferences directly in your browser, including uninstalling or blocking certain cookies. Click on your browser in the list below to get instructions (some of these web pages may not be available in French). You can withdraw your consent regarding cookies at any time by managing your preferences. However, some functionalities may be affected if cookies cannot be installed in your browser.

You can also install a browser extension to prevent the use of cookies and sharing of information with Google Analytics.



Who do we share your personal information with?

We share your personal information with our service providers, or otherwise, as part of our services. We have contracts with our service providers that outline how they must handle your personal information. Here are the categories of third parties with whom we share your personal information:

  • Information Technology Service Providers: To host our website, provide our services on the web and through mobile applications, we use providers such as Odoo, iCabbi, Fraxion, Giro, and Moovex. To manage job applications and applicants for positions with us, we use providers like Indeed, HubSpot, and MailGun.

  • Communication Service Providers: We use service providers to communicate with you. For example, we use MailGun and HubSpot to administer and send our informational messages.

  • Marketing Partners: We use cookies for digital advertising. These cookies are operated by marketing service providers, including Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor.


We may be required to share your personal information with authorities if compelled to do so, such as by a court order requiring us to disclose personal information. When legally and reasonably possible, we will inform you about such disclosure.

At Taxelco, access to your personal information is granted only to employees who need access to it. Our employees and subcontractors must sign a confidentiality agreement before accessing any personal information.



Where are your personal information hosted?

Taxelco strives to host your data in Canada, and whenever possible, in Quebec. However, due to globalization and the increasing use of new technologies, particularly those related to cloud-based solutions, your data may be transferred or transmitted to recipients located outside the territory of Quebec, including other Canadian provinces, the United States, and the European Union (specifically Ireland, the Netherlands, and Belgium).

As part of our services, your personal information is hosted in the jurisdiction indicated in the following table.


Services offered by Taxelco Juridiction
Telephone services, web, and web platforms
  • Taxi booking
  • Corporate services
  • Driver portals
  • Certain communications
Quebec, other Canadian provinces, USA, and in the European Union, specifically Ireland, the Netherlands, and Belgium
Mobiles applications 
  • Téo
  • Netlift
Quebec, other Canadian provinces, USA, and in the European Union, specifically Ireland, the Netherlands, and Belgium
Applying for jobs online Quebec, other Canadian provinces, USA, Germany, England, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, South Korea, Spain, Finland, France, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Singapore, Switzerland, and Taiwan


Although we have contracts with these entities in other jurisdictions, foreign laws may provide different levels of protection for your personal information when hosted in another jurisdiction.



How do we protect your personal information?

We take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information against loss, unauthorized use, access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. The personal information we collect is stored in secure environments.

Taxelco strives to implement reasonable physical, administrative, and organizational measures to protect personal information, including:

  • Granting access to personal information based on necessity
  • Minimizing computer privileges to the minimum required for an employee's function
  • Implementing a confidentiality agreement with our employees
  • Providing training to employees on personal information protection
  • Securing printed personal information with locks
  • Using technical and operational security measures such as:
    Implementing a backup protocol
    Using firewalls and antivirus software
    Enforcing strong password policies and using secure software solutions for access management and sharing
    Multifactor authentication (MFA) to access cloud platforms
    Using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol
    Periodic review of privacy protection measures



How long do we retain your personal information?

We retain personal information only for as long as necessary to provide you with our services and grant you access to our programs, unless we are required to retain it for a longer period under applicable laws.



What are your rights regarding your personal information?

You have the right to access your personal information that we hold, and the right to request its modification if necessary. You may also request that we delete your personal information, except where we are required to retain it under applicable laws or client instructions.

Depending on the circumstances, different rights may apply to your personal information, including the right to modify, access, or withdraw your consent. Please visit the Commission d'accès à l'information website for more information. Different rights may apply if you reside outside Quebec.



How can you exercise your rights?

You can exercise your rights at any time by contacting our Privacy Officer, or by using any technical functionalities provided to you, if applicable.

Privacy Protection at Taxelco

By phone : (514) 316-9225
By mail : Frédéric Prégent
                2901, rue Rachel Est
                Montréal (Québec)
                H1W 4A4


If you contact us, we may require additional personal information to validate your identity. If we are unable to accept your request, we will inform you of the reason for refusal. If you disagree with our decision, you can contact our Privacy Officer again, and we will re-evaluate your request. Otherwise, you may exercise your rights with the Commission d’accès à l’information, or the relevant authority in your jurisdiction if you reside outside Quebec.



Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may modify this privacy policy from time to time to reflect changes in our handling of personal information. We recommend that you regularly review this policy to stay informed of any changes.

You can check the last update date at the bottom of this page.



Privacy policy
Effective date: December 31, 2015
Last updated: August 9, 2024